I feel that perhaps these meticulous labels given to them in the English language-culture are not necessarily healthy as adopted and widely practiced - without questioning.
More to the point, to illustrate what is lurking inside me is the latest fire on Terrace Mountain in the Okanagan... a young father being interviewed, smiling as he clutched his daughter, expressed his feelings of gratefulness for being alive - the rest, what is inside the house, could be replaced...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that "wholly" statement. Except it is a "wholly" statement. I will not speak for this man. He is only an example of what I now continuously see/hear all around me and in the media...
I will speak for common "human" sense.
While it is true they are safe and alive and he chooses to be happy and/or grateful or, any other positive emotion is to be expected.
What is abnormal in the entire situation, is how common it has become to have an "addendum" as a protection form judgement (?) "the rest can be replaced"
Are we to believe - an then, copy this lack of emotional expression, in this case for the possible loss, in the case of others, for the factual loss... that it does not matter, implying, no "living one will be affected". (NOT affected?)
Well, for one, I find it hard to even begin to address the fear I imagine one could feel at loosing ones "life material summary" in a sweeping fire, I also find it difficult to comprehend how little value individuals place upon their past efforts - for me... it would take a blooming long time to recover and get myself back on track, never mind having the finances to replace the losses I have. And this, would only apply to my books and various mediums are materials, and finished pieces. What about the countless hours, creative juices, effort placed into them? NO value... replaceable... (Well, to think of it, everything IS replaceable in our evolving society...)
I cannot believe that I am the only one with this sort of questions. We all have lives, interests, a past history with its mementos - with our unique gathering system which confirms and affirms daily the purpose and/or validity of our existence - in this plane (in this plane folks, this plane we are now/currently in - too much spiritual talk/chatter/blabber!)
While it is true material things may be replaced and, I am not really one excessively materialist - more of "logical persuasion", I would bloody well be mourning the loss of it all. And, I can even foresee a serious pity party coming on as a result.
So, would I be overreacting? NO. I would be reacting appropriately to the circumstances and not playing up to the viewing indiscriminately judgemental, flawed audience... or, what is worst, my family, friends and neighbours!
Which brings me to the other father (do they talk because men because men "don't" cry?) whose daughter disappearance anniversary was coming up and this poor man, responded to this sad, (not yet concluded situation) during the entire interview with a smile on his face (!) also, with an addendum - of having bravely marched on " in memory" of his daughter - because she would have wanted it that way!
BEEP - this, is a recording...
My goodness - in Spain (and other Castillian Speaking countries as well) there was, maybe still is in some parts, the custom of hiring "lloronas" criers, for funerals... as to add voice, drama and proportion to the pain and loss suffered...
Every village/town had its ladies in black that would come and mournfully cry or wail - as required to display the deep sorrow being felt.
I can see how that would be a far more cathartic passage than this deeply buried, unacknowledged pain, loss, bewilderment, agony, rebellion, aggression, despair, helplessness,what have you (?!) behind these "synthetic, wholly" facades...
Labels... My (?) Life Lesson? Coming up soon...
* Hmmm. Just realized as I was wrapping up, "wholly" has also a very practical side - if, all buy into it - it is a comfy, safe net, where the payback for your soul (your being, your thought) IS material security and, ever lasting "wholly friendship"
I suppose I needed to write this to understand some of the rules of engagement - no wonder I kept on missing the point.
Well, I am sure world will keep on turning regardless of what I think!
Then, again, always knew this... must have seen it behind other smoke and mirrors - my mistake!
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