(We can't give away the power we don't know we have!)
It was the second time of me reading this poster at a friend's place - prompting me to stop giving away my power.
It then registered to me, that this is another one of those "get better soon you inept one" - formula phrase, that could well join the ranks of the eternal "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" little jewel.
- You fool - you are gratuitously giving away your power!
In the time the double take took, a great neon sign flashed saying: What? Power?
What power?
A lot of us grew up without having an inkling that there was such thing a "personal power", that we actually had "rights" and "boundaries" which build a sense of self, that manifested as a healthy self-esteem which, became the power vehicle to move us around in life ...
No, there was no inkling, no verbalization of such life "secrets". All we heard in the 70's was "there is a jungle out there" reflecting the common fear of the unexpected adult life that required "power" to succeed.
It is rather difficult, if not impossible to "acquire and hold on to power" when one did not have the opportunity to "built into ones character" since childhood.
However, it is not impossible either to reach such desirable levels of self-esteem, where personal power is a natural progression of a state of being...
The formula for that, takes more than positive thinking/feeling, praying or, the individuals decision to "do better next time". It takes consistent love and nurturing in ones life - a supportive environment/relationship...
One person, one relationship can do it - although, I like that lovely concept "it takes a village..." also to apply to us, adults - or the abandoned child within us... ?
So, let's stop beating ourselves up for not being the perfect "power house we are all meant to be", and let's focus instead on pursuing and finding balance in the love we have to offer now lack and, gift another with the same empowerment we so much desire, and see what happens.
- originally posted in May 07
Thank you my friend for sharing your words of wisdom here!
I do concur with everthing!
Hugggggz my dear!
we shud think ourselves to be a powerhouse of energy. and it will do the rest.
nice post
Hugs back sweetie!
I like all your blogs. I'm in the process of checking them out.
What a great idea to share thoughts and ideas that help others, in one blog.
Thanks for your visit to mine. I'll be back.
Thank you for taking the time - I feel quiet pressed for it lately...
So kind of you to leave word, I really appreciate it.
This blog was born as a result of us all having more in common than not and our inability to share spontaneously and openly our thoughts, feelings and concerns.
It is often only in the privacy of special close friendship that some of these topics are discussed thus, I am aware that many of us leave in utter emotional and spiritual isolation.
Peace, love, joy and laughter…
Dear Sharad
While what you say - if I am interpreting it correctly - that we are "all very powerful energy" I agree with.
But, then we would be tallying about something else, wouldn't we?
As to the word "should", I do not have it in my vocabulary. I find the word "should" to be a quiet loaded one.
I wish you had elaborated a little bit more, honestly... :)
Still, welcome and thank you for leaving word.
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