During those times when I don’t quiet even know the questions, I often find myself searching among shelves at home, in book stores or libraries looking for "that" book that "talks" to me… I have picked up books by sheer impulse (based on appearance or tittle) to later find out just how significant a message they had for me. The following list shows some of the top books and audio material most dear to me in the areas we dealing with here.
These may not end up being of your interest, but at the least I would like (hope) to tweak your curiosity enough to send you on regular discovery journeys. Actually, they turn out to be more like "scavenger hunts". I have even felt possessed, but can’t tell by what!
We may react to different authors and different types of expression but, one thing I feel is true to all, that we gain different perspectives and knowledge along the way. Those new words, concepts may become part of our beliefs and behaviour, hopefully enriching our lives and that of others…
(Many books are now available - from our local libraries - in audio via Internet. One must register and have a "Media Player" (which may downloaded free) and enjoy!)
Baha, Abdu’l - "Love"
Bradshaw, John - "Homecoming"
Cameron, Julia - "The Artist's Way"
Chopra, Deepak - "The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success" "The Path to Love"
Coelho, Paulo - "The Alchemist"
Duke, Patty - "A Brilliant Madness"
Forward, Susan - "Toxic Parents"
Girzone, Joseph F. - "Never Alone"
Green, Brian - "The Elegant Universe"
Kavelin Popov, Linda - "The pace of Grace"
Kellogg, Terry - "Broken Toys, Broken Dreams"
Kielburger, Craig and Mark - "Me to We – Turning self-help on its Head"
McGraw, Phil - "Life Strategies", " Life Matters" , "Relationship Rescue"
Myss, Caroline - "The Anatomy of the Spirit", "Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can", "Sacred Contracts" . And, any number of CD’s or audio tapes such as: " Self – Esteem - Your Ultimate Power" , " Spiritual Madness" etc.
Northrup, Chistiane - "Women’s Body Women’s Wisdom"
Peck, Scott - "The Road Less travelled", "People of the Lie"
Pinkola Estes, Clarissa - "Women that Run with the Wolves"
Redfield Jamieson, Kay - "An Unquiet Mind"
Roth, Ron - "The Dark NIght of the Soul"
Ruiz, don Miguel - "The Four Agreements"
Saint-Exupery. Antoine de - "The Little Prince"
Solomon, Gary - "Reel Therapy", "The Movie Prescription" (Although, I don’t entire agree with his "suggestions" or "relation to topic")
Williamson, Marianne - "A Return to Love" and, any audio tapes… "Enchanted Love" , "Mystical Power"
Zukav, Gary - "The Seat of the Soul"
* Anything by Judith Orloff and Suze Ormann is definitely worth a good look!
And of course, the Joseph Campbell interviews with Bill Moyers are a must to watch again from time to time...
Some "other" cool, cool audio: The Quest Love Trilogy (series): Vol.1 " Love, Passion and Soul", Vol.2 "Soul Mates", Vol.3 "Ecstasy" interviews with: Barbara de Angelis, John Grey, Harville Hendrix, Erica Jong, Thomas Moore, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, John O’Donohue and Caroline Myss – Simply l-o-v-e-l-y! Another "Series" with some of the above plus: Sarah Ban Breathnach, Stephan Rechtchaffen, Bernie Siegal and David White (Vol.1 "Discover your human Potential", Vol.2 "Spiritual Path to Success" and Vol.3 "Energy, Power and Spirit")
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