During periods or episodes of depression, some of us may be prone to be aware of the physical effects emotional and itellectual pain, loss, sorrow, pent up anger/rage, memories of abandonment and/or abuse of any other kind, that speak up symbolically through our bodies.
Thus, we experience the advent of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibro-Mialgia, possibly Lupus and who knows how many other psychosomatic illnesses “flare up” to get our attention. Yet, for the most part not much importance is given to them, or no connection/correlation is made with either the psychological and/or psychiatric aspects of this passage.
While I strongly believe that for many, these so called “depressive episodes” are “rites of passage’, I also believe that there is a brain chemical imbalance component as well. I am not sure if this is another good example of chicken or the egg dilemma…
All I know is that an imbalance occurs, in my observation, as a result of prolonged stress or anguish or even the re-occurrence of similar life experiences.
I have observed in my case, that these passages come about after what I see as a series of similar unrelated incidents or situations in a rather systematic fashion.Although I realized this in the early 90’s, when these external occurrences return to my life experience, they have quiet a debilitating emotional effect – if they continue, a depression will slowly manifest and if the situations are not resolved, the troubled mind and soul will inevitably be joined (in sympathy? Support? Empathy? Natural consequence of prolonged stress?) by the body…
Such is how I find myself these days, with some alternating (?) phusical symptoms. The on slot of these is so great that I forget half if not all, when I get to see my good doc. (truly fortunate!).I woke up today with thoughts of keeping “an anatomy journal…” Decided against it.
Don’t want to focus on it too much, because it preoccupies me enough as it is.
Let’s see. I am absolutely positive my blood pressure has at this times huge and unpredictable fluctuation. How else can I feel faint for hours no end and so whacked that I cannot finish my errands, having to come home and lay down… of being “exhausted” all the time.(Let’s not even mention how time flies without nothing accomplished!!! Even that enters a "warp zone")
The relentless, always present/lingering pain – I am so used to it that I am no longer conscious of it. Another factor slowing me down. Or, is it ignoring it - will go away - that herniated vertebrae that surgery was spoken of about 6 years ago or so …?
Ahhh, and the fact that I cannot even rest my on head on my hands, not for more than a moment, without resulting in excruciating pain shooting to other parts of my body. Uhhh, the hot flashes (only during stressed times - most of the time!?) I wake up to, and put up with during the day, that are followed by periods of goose-bumps and chills…
Sadly, most of these very real psychiatric-psychological-physical manifestation could be much alleviated by our environment. By the kindness, compassion and respect, if not love of those we interact with on a daily basis.I know you may think of it as a very simplistic conclusion. But I came to strongly believe that the reason for most of our unmanageable malaise, is due to a very bruised or broken heart.Yes, all that chemistry that “morphs” experiences, thoughts and feelings into “cellular impressions” and those “pained cellular impressions” that were passed on to us at birth, together with all the subsequent wrongs, ills and other damaging thoughtless, selfish acts inflicted upon us, did brake our hearts if we haven’t had – and may still not have - sufficient support/guidance, and love in our lives.
A broken heart can only be mended by love!
Committed, unconditional love - as well as the respect and compassion of those that come into contact with each one of us! (This, being a mutual experience...)
The rest of the stuff - in my "humble" opinion …are just placebos.
Some topic related links...
January 17, 2006
Prayer is a Change of Mind
Dear Friends, Here's a little prayer to help you rise above the limited, fear-based thought forms that otherwise might keep you bound. Remember: when you change your mind, you change your life. And prayer is a change of mind.
Dear God, Please post your Angels around my mind, to keep at bay all dark and fearful thoughts. I give to you my thoughts about everything. Please lift them up to heavenly Truth, that I might be set free. Amen
From: www.marianne.com
5/11/2006 - Explore whether you have deep seated reasons to want to postpone your healing. From: www.myss.com
Daily Quote - May 11, 2006
“Prenatal and birth memories, and their potential impact on the unborn, are one of the many reasons why women must learn to manage their fertility well and learn how to conceive consciously". From : www.drnorthrup.com
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