~ Self-Help Morsels From Artist ALICIA M B BALLARD To you. ~ ©2006/07/08/09/10/11

Monday, April 17, 2006


A good heart to heart to talk is one of the healthiest practices one can have.
As we move around, re-locate to another city, continent - as our nomadic North American socio-economic standard requires us to do at times – we find ourselves alone, friendless and increasingly often isolated “in the crowds”.

In an effort to survive, we focus on our immediate (material) needs and perhaps some basic social practices, leaving out - unintentionally - our deepest (and what “should be”) our most natural/spontaneous need to share from the heart.

Man and women alike need this “deep and freeing” from of expression with a trusted one.
(I guess that’s is where the expression of “spilling ones guts comes from (?)) The hearing out loud of our thoughts and feelings – good or bad – serves as a cleanser a strengthener – a balance or sanity keeping/restoring tool.

The second best thing - highly popular these days, and rightly so is “journaling”.
This may sound somewhat “feminine”, but many a wise man (writers, artist, etc) have already adopted this ever-so-effective method to “come clean”. All that is needed is some time to sit down and simply write about what is (or not) on your mind or heart. Writing whatever comes to mind - without judgment – letting it flow… Giving it more than one try.

There is nothing more satisfying than discovering naturally and quiet spontaneously the deep feelings and ideas we might have been keeping from ourselves.
Yes, it can be a revealing and cathartic experience.

A time to just be true – paper, pen and you!


robin hood said...

I absolutely agree with the idea that everyone would benefit from keeping a journal. Some people I comment back and forth with on blogger get upset 'cos no-one (apparently) reads their stuff. But that's not the point. I've kept a journal practically since I could draw and write. The concept of people reading them or taking an interest was completely irrelevant, as indeed was the concept of even saving them. (I saved only one from my student days). But the practise of "writing it down" is hugely important to me in both the good times and the bad.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

I am often "stunned" at the things that come up of which I am not "consciously" aware of.
And had also been able to resolve old "mysteries" particularly pertaining to family culture and dynamics.